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Getting from Good to Great


Those of us who have been lucky enough to discover STAR Prep Academy know that it's a hidden gem.  A diamond in the rough.  One of LA’s best-kept secrets.  The metaphors are endless. 


But, as with everything, there is room for growth.  When my oldest child joined the STAR Prep family, almost three years ago, it was easy for me to identify aspects of the school that could use a little improvement.  It was much harder for me to step up and take responsibility for helping make those improvements. 


The excuses were endless:  I have four kids.  I run a Girl Scout troop.  I am chronically sleep-deprived and just want to drink a glass of wine, crawl into bed, and binge-watch Black Mirror. 


But then I saw other parents who were stepping up, despite having excuses of their own.  Single parents, who have no one to help them with their childcare responsibilities.  Parents who work a full-time job outside of their home.  I (reluctantly) realized that if they could help our wonderful school, then so could I.  


It started small:  Bringing snacks to the monthly Coffee Chats, helping organize office paperwork, donating some tablecloths.  Then, at the start of our second year at STAR Prep, Susan Morris bravely stepped up to become President of the Parent Association when the existing President unexpectedly moved away.  Susan asked me to take on the role of Vice President.  Both of us had been at the school for only one year and really had no idea where to begin.  But, Susan is passionately dedicated to our school and under her guidance and inspiration, I took on more responsibility.  


No-one gave us a manual, telling us what needed to be done, or how to do it.  The Parent Association didn't have a bank account, so we couldn't write checks nor deposit all the money we (hopefully!) would be raising during our Giving Drive.  We wanted to throw a Thanksgiving Feast for the students and faculty - but when?  Where?  Should it be catered (with what funds?) or could we depend on parents to bring food?  Suddenly it was time for the Academic Fair.  What?  The Parent Association is supposed to organize that?!


Now we are approaching the end of the school year and Susan and I find ourselves trying to organize a Senior Prom.  Or maybe it should be a party?  Perhaps a dinner cruise?  We don't know - STAR Prep has never done one before, so we are making it up as we go along.  What about Graduation?  And 8th Grade Culmination?  Should we hold them as separate events or combine them?  


Sometimes I find myself thinking:  This isn't what I signed up for!  Why is it my responsibility to help organize Graduation?  Or the Senior Prom???  For goodness sake - my oldest child is only an 8th grader!


But then I answer my own question:  Of course this is what I signed up for.  I signed up for it the moment I enrolled my children in this tiny, quirky, marvelous school.  I signed up for this because I know that the only way STAR Prep can continue to exist is if I pitch in to make it work.


The teachers and administrators of STAR Prep need us.  We are all busy - overwhelmed, even.  But STAR Prep needs us, each of us, to help in whatever way we can.  


This has been a year of transition.  STAR Prep is ... good.  But, it should be more than good.  It should be, and it can be, great.  But we can't get there without all pitching in.  It is not enough for parents to simply suggest to Tery or Thomas or Marissa or Martin what we would like to see changed.  Each of us has to take responsibility to contribute what we can, however small it may seem, to the running of this remarkable and unique school.  


So the next time you drop off your student in the morning, consider parking for 30 minutes and checking in with Martin in the Main Office.  Offer to make photocopies of next week's Field Trip permission forms.  Help Byron clean up the student lounge by the alley.  Haul away some of the broken items that are being stored in a corner of the patio.  Offer to restock coffee supplies in the kitchen.  Post a glowing review of STAR Prep on Great Schools or Yelp.  Spread the word about our amazing school.


If you have the bandwidth to do more - please do!!!  Organize a family hike.  Host a get-together for the other parents in your grade.   Donations of money or school supplies are always, always gratefully accepted.  If you don't know how you can contribute, check in with Susan, or me, or Tery, or Marisa.  I guarantee we can put you to good use!


There's a saying that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people.  In many communities, this might be true, and it might even be sustainable.  But in a community like STAR Prep, it's not feasible.  We all need to pitch in if we want our school to grow from good to great.  Thank you!


Nicola Bird

(Mother of Michael Weisberg - 8th Grade - and Alexander Weisberg - 6th Grade)

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